The data presented is to provide an update as close to real-time as possible to track these outbreaks. Data is sourced from official, public and industry sources, some of
which are verbal. All official data for the outbreak is reported to WOAH by the South African government, and the links above provide access to those reports. While every effort is made to provide accurate information,
data is likely to change at short notice and should be read in this context.
- Industry and private sources
There is a poultry distribution layer in the spatial anlaysis section. This is based on data published online as part of a project that mapped livestock distributions globally.
It does seem as if some provinces could not be as accurately determined as others however this data is what is available on a country level. The reference for this layer is:
Chickens distribution - Gridded Livestock of the World v 2.01
Robinson TP, Wint GRW, Conchedda G, Van Boeckel TP, Ercoli V, Palamara E, Cinardi G, D’Aietti L, Hay SI, and Gilbert M. (2014) Mapping the Global Distribution of Livestock. PLoS ONE 9(5):e96084.
The weblink to the article can be found